How to get started

Have you come up with an original, innovative concept?

Want to get started, but don't know how?

We'll help you!

Hands at work

Starting a business can be daunting. We don't always know how to go about it, even though we're certain that our concept is relevant and will meet current market expectations. In an ever-changing world, it's essential to be well prepared before taking the plunge.

That's why we thought it would be useful to share our advice with you, to help you launch your business in the best possible conditions.

1. Start by analyzing the market

To get started in business, while you can be sure of the originality of your idea, it' s crucial to understand the market in which you'll be operating.

Keep an eye on trends: advertising, social networks, the Internet, stores... any way you can to spot opportunities and draw inspiration from companies that work. Look at what's being done and what hasn't yet been done. In this way, you can try to predict and bet on future consumer desires. Find out how you can respond to current and future issues.

You can also study your competitors: identify their products, services, prices and positioning. This is useful because it will help you understand how they got there, as well as what works well and what needs to be improved in your industry. You'll probably be inspired by the way they're trying to innovate, as well as their initial objectives and targets. You'll be able to see how far you want to differentiate yourself from them, and adapt your actions accordingly.

Illustration of characters building a project

However, you need to ensure that there is sufficient demand for the products or services you are aiming for to be able to set up your business. If not, you risk investing unnecessarily and seeing your hopes dashed. So it's vital to do your research to determine whether your business idea meets an unmet need or an emerging trend.

2. Define your concept, objectives and targets precisely

Secondly, you need to decide on the nature of what you're offering. Whether you want to market products or services, it's essential to provide as much detail as possible, so you can approach the next step with confidence. Ask yourself some pertinent questions: what is the nature of what you're offering? At what price? Do you want to offer it in several forms, ranges, colors, variations? What materials do you want to use? Do you want to highlight your personal values through your products and services?
All these questions are necessary and will make it easier for you to define an action plan.

A person at work

You can then define your objectives: think about what drives you, why you decided to launch your business and why you believe your idea has a chance of developing in the vast world of commerce. Indeed, developing your business is a major challenge, given the constant changes our society is facing. Your objectives must be realistic: don't necessarily aim for very high sales (at least, not at the beginning 😉 ), you'll run the risk of falling short and losing motivation.

If need be, call on a specialized and objective person who will be able to make real predictions about your ability to achieve your goals.

Next, identify your target audience: to succeed in the marketplace, you need to understand them and their needs. Identify the demographics, buying behaviors and preferences of your target audience so you can tailor your product or service accordingly. For example, if you're planning to launch a business selling food products, identify the demographic groups most likely to buy your products and tailor your marketing strategy to their preferences.

3. Identify the people and structures that can help you

Now you can start looking for people, companies and associations who can help you. Look for structures that are in line with what you're offering. For example, if you market responsible products, contact companies that care about the environment, or organizations working in the field of sustainable development.

However, don't limit yourself to seeking out only large-scale companies or potential investors. Even small-scale collaborations can help strengthen your company and raise its profile. Any partner is good for you, regardless of the nature and scope of your collaboration. Perhaps you can find investors who will provide you with the funds you need to get your business off the ground.

Stay open to the opportunities that come your way, even if they're not exactly what you'd originally planned. Sometimes, the best collaborations and opportunities appear unexpectedly. Be flexible in your approach and ready to explore different options to find the partners and investors who will contribute to your company's success.

4. Evaluate your results

Once you've got your business up and running, it's important to keep a close eye on your progress.
Focus on what you've achieved: take a look at your financial indicators. Look at your revenues (including sales, collaborations, subsidies, etc.), expenses and margins. Compare these data with your estimates, and check whether the latter underestimated or overestimated your capacities.

Take a look at the figures for the number of subscribers on your social networks and the number of visits to your website. All these figures are indicators that will enable you to measure the performance of your commercial offer, and whether you've been able to arouse the attention and curiosity of Internet users.

Also look for reviews and testimonials from people who have used your company's services or products. Talk to them, find out what they like and what they're less interested in. Try to find out what they'd like to see changed, what innovations they'd like to see when they contact your company.

Illustration of people working as a team

This action is linked to two advantages:

  • On the one hand, you demonstrate the importance you place on listening to your customers, proving that you systematically seek to understand their needs and adapt to their tastes and preferences.
  • On the other hand, you'll be able to adjust your products or services according to this information, in a constant drive to improve and offer services that are ever more in line with what your customers are looking for. As a result, your strategy will be increasingly effective, and you'll be able to reach more and more people.

5. Trust yourself

Your business may not record very high scores right from the start: that's perfectly normal. Every business, every project has a beginning, goes through complicated phases, despite all the energy you've put into it.
In this case, don't consider this first attempt as a failure, but rather as an opportunity to pick yourself up and bounce back. Find out which areas of your business can be improved, and which ones seem to speak most to your target audience.

Finally, don't lose faith in yourself in the event of disappointment: many businesses have gone through difficult phases before prospering.

Whatever happens, never lose sight of your goals, and never forget why you set out in the first place, what made you believe that your dream was achievable.

Now you know how to get started! To find out what it's like to work in a logistics company, follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram