Choosing the right logistics provider for order storage and dispatch

Have you recently started up your business?

Thinking of outsourcing your logistics?

Would you like to find the ideal service provider to meet your needs and provide personalized care?

When a company is setting up or growing, it may be necessary to outsource its logistics . Indeed, internal logistics management can be an obstacle to your company's development if not taken into consideration. Regardless of the type and size of your products, if you wish to call on the services of a logistics specialist, it' s essential to choose them carefully.

Choosing a logistics provider means first analyzing your needs...

The first step is to ask yourself, "What do I need in concrete terms?"

Take stock of your situation: what are your offers, your strengths, your weaknesses, who are your competitors?

This will enable you to quickly identify your needs, with a view to meeting them as effectively as possible. You may even be surprised to find that you have previously underestimated your need for subcontracting.

You can then pay particular attention to the nature of your products: are they large or heavy, or do they need to be stored in a particular environment? Do you market them in large quantities?

Then take stock of commercial data: how often do you sell, in which geographical areas do you operate? Do you want to commit to short delivery times for your customers? What promise, what new features, what values would you like to highlight to your customers? What's your advantage, your innovation, what sets your products apart from the competition?

The answers to these questions will be important allies in your search for a service provider who will offer services in line with your needs.

After analyzing your needs, start looking for a logistics provider

You're bound to come across a number of companies specializing in logistics, but you won't know which one is best suited to your objectives and your development.

That's why it's essential to look at the range of services offered by each of them: there may be disparities or added value despite their generally similar services.

Perhaps one of them offers a personalization service, for example...
Whatever the case, it's possible that despite the similarities between the offers, one of them will appeal to you more thanks to an additional service or attractive prices. 

In all cases, the smartest thing to do is to spend a lot of time comparing service providers. This step is essential and will enable you toanalyze all the possibilities: you can see it as a long-term investment. We guarantee you won't regret it!

We also advise you to select a service provider who is open about product traceability. Being able to know at any time and in any place where your goods are being processed will not only convince you of your logistics provider's transparency, but also help you to relax.

An operator uses a handling machine

What to do when you think you've found your logistician?

Once you've selected a logistics provider that's a good match for you, find out more about their customers: see if they sell products similar to yours and have a layout similar to yours. It'll certainly reassure you to know that the logistics provider knows your business!

With this in mind, you can also check the reviews, to find out whether the services described on the website are just as qualitative under real-life conditions. To take things a step further, you can even contact these companies to find out more about their experience with the logistics provider you're looking for.

If the conditions listed above are met, you can contact the company.

Ask for an on-site visit totalk to the team and see the warehouse layout: this will help ensure that your items are handled in the best possible way. What's more, you can be sure that the warehouse will be able to continue to accommodate you, even if your business grows rapidly.

To finalize your choice, make sure that the service provider you choose shares your values. This is important because it means you don't run the risk of tarnishing your image by collaborating with companies whose principles are opposed to your own. That's why the most popular or most recognized service provider in the industry won't necessarily be the one that suits you best!

Being sure of your logistics partner is key to developing your business

Next, make sure that your service provider provides you with personalized follow-up and is concerned by your issues. It's a way for them to demonstrate their commitment to the tasks you outsource to them, and for you to feel reassured!
Their customer service must be responsive and tailored to your every need. It has to be reliable, which means you have to be able to trust it without the slightest worry, otherwise your professional relationship could be affected in the long term.

Finally, you can regularly discuss the future of your business, your needs and expectations, and your service provider's ability to meet them, so that you can continue to entrust him with your products under the best possible conditions!

You now have all the keys you need to find YOUR logistics provider! To find out more about Logisseo and get a behind-the-scenes look at a committed company, follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram.